To whom it may concern,

I’ve worked extremely hard over the past few years to turn my life around. I’ve gone from a drug addict who was constantly in and out of psych wards, to a happy, sober, functioning member of society. It’s not always easy, in fact some days are just downright HARD- but my toughest day sober is better then my greatest day using. I’ve received many blessings since getting sober, the greatest one being the birth of my two children. It’s because of them that I strive to be the best version of myself everyday.

One of my biggest fusterations during sobriety has been trying to keep a roof over my head- I thank God I came across Triple C. I don’t know where my family would be without the program. I was living in a bed bug and drug infested rooming house in Asbury Park 3 years ago when I heard about Triple C- I decided to apply for the program and was accepted. It couldn’t have come at a better time- 6 weeks later I found out that I was pregnant. For the first time in almost 10 years I had a safe, clean place to lay my head. Triple C even helped me to furnish my entire apartment- I couldn’t be more greatful for the program.

For the past 3 years I’ve been able to keep a stable home environment for my children- something that is SO necessary yet would be unattainable without the help of a program like Triple C. They truly been a Godsend for my family’s wellbeing.


Triple C Housing

Triple C Housing, Inc.
1520 US 130, Suite 201
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Administrative: 732.658.6636
Fax: 732.658.6642

For immediate assistance in accessing resources  for emergency housing, healthcare, crisis support, and food pantries in your area, please call 211. 
It’s free, confidential, multilingual and open 24/7.