Having spent eighteen years in one of New Jersey’s state psychiatric hospitals, Brian (a pseudonym) did not think it would be possible to have a place of his own. When Brian was referred to Triple C Housing for placement in the community, he and his family were unsure of how he would adjust to community living. Brian was scared to leave the hospital and his mother did not think it a good idea, however, after careful transition planning for his move from the hospital to the community, Brian moved into a group home with Triple C Housing.

The Group Home was thought to be his first and final community placement due to spending close to two decades in the hospital. With the help and support of staff, Brian’s triumphs are a testament to his will to live independently. Based on the agency’s values of Wellness and Recovery, increasing his ability to function in major life domains such as physical, social, vocational, or financial helped him to move into supportive housing in an apartment he calls his home. With a focus on Brian’s strengths and his goals, Brain is empowered in his recovery. He collaborates with staff to develop and actively participate in managing his finances, strengthening his relationships with family, improving his health and nutrition, and increasing his quality of life. It has been nearly ten (10) years since Brian has been hospitalized. He has realized the dream of living independently in the community. Not only did his range of capabilities expand, but also his comfort with accessing community resources and being a part of mainstream community activities.

Brian’s journey of recovery is a testament to the effectiveness of the agency’s values, and the impact of focusing on a person’s abilities and strengths.

The services offered at Triple C Housing support one’s personal journey in recovery to be active members of their communities and thrive in their pursuits. The grassroots support services and housing options provided by Triple C Housing, Inc. offer individuals of low income with special needs a range of housing options, from transitional to permanent housing. Triple C recognizes the basic need for individuation and self-determination to succeed, and values the experiences and contributions of the persons we serve.

Triple C Housing

Triple C Housing, Inc.
1520 US 130, Suite 201
North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Administrative: 732.658.6636
Fax: 732.658.6642

For immediate assistance in accessing resources  for emergency housing, healthcare, crisis support, and food pantries in your area, please call 211. 
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