✨ As we approach our 45th anniversary, we’re proud to look back on the early days of Triple C Housing and our journey to expand affordable housing and supportive services. This photo, taken in 1985, captures a milestone moment: our founding members receiving the architectural rendering of Metlar’s Group Home, our first residential program. 📸

Pictured above are Allen Stearns, Mr. & Mrs. Troisi, Nancy Schneeloch (our first Group Home Manager), Philip Vinick, and at the center, Dorothy Frownfelter, Elena Stolzer, and Dorothy Ambruso. Their dedication laid the foundation for the community we’ve built together.

 About Triple C Housing, Inc.

Triple C Housing, Inc. (Triple C) is a 501c3 non-profit community housing development organization (CHDO) focused on expanding affordable housing opportunities complimented by supportive services to individuals, families and veterans impacted by a disability, who are experiencing homelessness or long term hospitalization. Our objectives are to empower individuals and families to improve their quality of life, promote self-sufficiency, and engage in meaningful, gainful relationships, careers, educational advancement opportunities and wellness activities while contributing to their neighborhoods and communities.

Media Contact
Leslie Stivale
President / CEO
Triple C Housing, Inc.
(732) 658-6636 ext. 211